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Stanford summit to address crisis in Ethiopia

ESAT News (January 6, 2017)

A two day summit at the Stanford University will bring scholars, activists and varied political groups to come up with suggestions to resolve the multifaceted problems in Ethiopia.

Abebe Hailu, chair of the Ethiopian American Council and organizer of the summit told ESAT that issues of land and border, human rights press freedom and aid will be high on the agenda at the summit organized by the Council from january 21-22, 2017.

He said the two day summit will create an opportunity to Ethiopians of diverse political views as well as friends of Ethiopia to put forward their suggestions to resolve the social, political and economic crises in Ethiopia.

Executive Director of ESAT, Abebe Gellaw said no his part that the unique forum would not only explore the critical problems facing the people of Ethiopia but also seek a permanent way to end the TPLF-led tyranny, corruption, gross human rights violations and abuse of power.

He noted that Ethiopians, especially aspiring changemakers, activists and political leaders, should attend and be part of the high profile discussion that brings together foreign and local stakeholders.

“I believe that the forum will be a springboard towards an all-inclusive dialogue that can boost the struggle for freedom, justice and national consensus,” he said.

Several panelists including Anuradha Mittal, Executive Director of the Oakland Institute, Felix Horne of the Human Rights Watch, Prof. Larry Diamond of the Stanford University, Prof. Richard Joseph of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Getachew Begashaw of Harper College and a number of other scholars and representatives of political organizations will present papers at the summit.

The post Stanford summit to address crisis in Ethiopia appeared first on The Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio (ESAT).



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