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Tigrai’s donation has no parallel in our history (From Ethiopian Somali)

By Mohamed abdi dheere

It is hard or rather impossible to scoop a handful of sea water and call it a sea. Such is the contribution of the Tigrai people to the success stories of Ethiopia, not to mention just being a prelude of liberation struggle against the late dictator Mengistu.

Tigrai people and Ethiopian Somalis was never distant to each other, they have a close historical kinship ties. They have a common bond such as love keen for their home country.

Tigrai people would receive a hero’s welcome in Ethiopian Somali region. The fact is Tigrai people has done for Somalis what no other people has done in the last decade. Last week a high level of delegation consists senior government officers, elders, civil servants and medical provisional’s have just arrived in Jijiga, to stress that tigrai people was not going to abandon their Ethiopian Somali drought victim brothers and sisters .

Tigrai public, private and civil society begun to engage widely with Somali region to take part the huge effort to reduce drought affect by donating twelve million of Ethiopian birr ( 12,000,000.), medical assistance both human and livestock, sudan grass, and water trucks.

In fact, today tigrai people are household narrative and talk of town for their tireless effort to rescue their victim drought brothers and sisters of Ethiopian. We will never forget the awe and prodigious feeling that overwhelmed drought victims when they had received the endowment and assistance of their brothers and sisters of tigrai who never let to down.

To share with you, first let me take to gashamo woreda , one of the drought victim areas. Today when one reads the happiness of pastoral communities who have benefited tigrai’s aid from their face, one cant help but compare the feeling of a mother who found her lost child. An intrigue is the common stories that they are exchanging. One of the brilliant ladies asks her colleague, what would you say our beloved brothers and sisters of tigrai deserves to honor? A following a few minutes of silence she replies….. it is very hard or impossible to get words to express my acknowledgement but We can ascertain to everyone… this donation has no parallel in our history. On the other hand one could never fail to see women’s singing songs to express their gratitude and to thank tigrai people, also elders are preying the almighty to ask for tigrai people to guarantee his bless.

Let We end by saying, It is an exceptional exciting when you have a prolific, bravery, benevolence brothers and sisters like that of tigrai people who’s our memories of tigrai legacy will never be obliterated.

We are two proud Ethiopian citizen, thanks to our beloved brothers and sisters of tigrai people, as long as we have Tigrai people we will never perish.

The writter, Mohamed abdi dheere, can be reached via



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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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