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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Ethiopia pledges not to harm Egyptian shares of Nile water

Khartoum (HAN) September 1st, 2014 – Diplomacy and regional water Security. Ethiopian pledges not to harm Egypt’s share of Nile water. Egyptian Irrigation Minister Hossam al-Moghazi downplayed Friday the negative effects on Egypt’s water supply of the ongoing construction of Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam, saying the first phase of construction would not cause any tangible harm to Egypt. […] […]

Establishing the Commonwealth of Ethiopia

There are different ideas on how to bring about peace in the war-ravaged eastern African region and put the countries on the path of development and prosperity. The following is one them.

The first order of business is to root out dictatorships in the region. Once we are able to achieve that, my suggestion is to bring all the countries under a big tent named the “Commonwealth of Ethiopia.”

The Commonwealth of Ethiopia will include Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, both Sudans, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. Other African countries are also free to join.

The Commonwealth’s power will be limited to providing for common security, enforcing the civil rights of all citizens equally, establishing common currency, and enacting uniform commercial laws. Every thing else, such as civil and criminal laws that do not encroach on civil rights, is left to the autonomous states.

The Commonwealth will have a parliamentary system similar to the one in the U.K.

Dissatisfied member nations can withdraw from the Commonwealth after holding a referendum by a simple 51% majority vote.

This is a long-term vision. The immediate required action is to eliminate the Woyanne cancer that is eating away at the region. Ethiopians can remove Woyanne by: 1) establishing an interim government in exile, and 2) waging a coordinated peaceful civil resistance campaign.

I welcome constructive ideas and suggestions. Silly, off-topic, or disruptive posts will be removed. This discussion will be archived for future reference, so try to present a well-considered and well-articulated argument. […]

Zehabesha Newspaper #66 (PDF)

in PDF […]

Establishing the Commonwealth of Ethiopia

There are different ideas on how to establish peace in the war-ravaged eastern African region and put the countries on the path of development and prosperity. The following is one them.

The first order of business is to root out dictatorship in the region. Once we are able to achieve that, my suggestion is to bring all the countries under a big tent named the “Commonwealth of Ethiopia.”

The Commonwealth of Ethiopia will include Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, both Sudans, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi.

The Commonwealth’s power will be limited to providing for common security, enforcing the civil rights of all citizens equally, establishing common currency, and enacting uniform commercial laws. Every thing else is left to the autonomous states.

The Commonwealth will have a parliamentary system similar to the one in the U.K.

Member nations can withdraw from the Commonwealth after holding a referendum.

This is a long-term vision. The immediate required action is to eliminate the Woyanne cancer that is eating away at the region. Ethiopians can remove Woyanne by: 1) establishing an interim government in exile, and 2) waging a coordinated peaceful civil resistance campaign.

I welcome constructive ideas and suggestions. Silly and off-topic posts will be removed. […]

ESAT Radio Hule Addis, Sat Aug 30, 2014


Yesrawitu Dimse In Collaboration With ESAT Aug 30, 2014


Africa Announces Team for the 2014 IAAF Continental Cup

By Phil Minshull The Confederation of African Athletics has announced the Africa team for the 2014 IAAF Continental Cup to be held in Marrakech, Morocco on 13-14 September. Among the male stars of the team are 800m runners Nijel Amos and Mohammed Aman(Ethiopia), 2014 IAAF World Indoor Championships 1500m gold medallist Ayanleh Souleiman and 2013 world 1500m champion […] […]

National Jubilee Palace to open doors for visitors

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The Ethiopian government has decided to turn the residential house of Ethiopian presidents, the National Jubilee Palace, into a museum and move the Jubilee Palace to Prince Mekonnen compound located in Sidist Kilo locality. New buildings will be built in the Prince Mekonnen compound. The designs of the new buildings […] […]

Ex-diplomat taking over Ethiopia’s tourism

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Solomon Tadesse is the Chief Executive Officer of the Ethiopian Tourism Organization (ETO. Most of his life, Solomon lived in the US. During the time of the emperor and later the Derg, he associated himself with the student movement. He maintained close contact with the current government in those early days […] […]

Barreto downplays criticism of national team’s friendly games in Brazil

23 men playing facing Algeria to be announced on Monday Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Coach Mariano Barreto defended the criticism made on his trip to Brazil to play friendly games against Brazilian clubs who were considered by critiques as small clubs who play in the fourth division of the Brazilian championship. The national team played […] […]


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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.