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Ethiopia: The Sultan of Afar says his people will rise up against tyranny


Hanfareh Ali Mirah

ESAT News (November 8, 2016)

The Sultan of Afar, Hanfareh Ali Mirah, said his people will join the people of Oromo and Amhara in their struggle against a ruthless regime.

In an exclusive interview with ESAT, the Sultan, who is also a former diplomat and president of the Afar region, said it will not be long before the people of Afar join the struggle against the minority tyranny, which he said has treated the Afars and other people of Ethiopia as second class citizens.

Hanfareh said all businesses and investment activities in Afar is under the sole ownership of Tigryans and the people of Afar are not benefitting from the resources of their region.

He said the Afar region has seen unspeakable poverty and crises under the corrupt regime. The Sultan also added that the Tigrayan regime has sought to destroy the cultural and religious traditions of the Afars.

He stressed on the strategic importance of the Afar region, which he said was to the advantage of the Afars when and if they launch the struggle against the oligarchic regime.

The post Ethiopia: The Sultan of Afar says his people will rise up against tyranny appeared first on The Ethiopian Satellite Television Service (ESAT).



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