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Eritrean President Afworki and Egypt’s El-Sisi met  in Cairo


Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Eritrean counterpart Isaias Afwerki in a Cairo meeting (Photo courtesy of Egyptian Presidency)

ESAT News (November 30, 2016)

Reports reaching from Cairo say Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi met in Cairo, Egypt on Tuesday and have discussed on ways of invigorating the cooperation between the two countries.

The two leaders stressed the importance of launching a joint committee aimed at boosting bilateral cooperation in all fields between the two countries, ahram online quoted a statement by the Egyptian president’s office as saying.

The report said the two leaders also stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation in different fields, including agriculture and fisheries, as well as continued technical assistance to Eritrea from the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development (EAPD).

The EAPD, established by El-Sisi in June 2014, aims to support African development by dispatching experts in several fields to African countries.

El-Sisi praised the ongoing cooperation between the two countries in international forums, stressing on the importance of increasing coordination and discussions on the region’s peace and stability related issues.

Afwerki expressed his appreciation for the leading role that Egypt plays in pushing development plans in Africa, according to the report.

Egypt received over the past few weeks multiple African leaders who expressed readiness to boost bilateral cooperation, it was learnt.

President Isaias Afwerki last visited Egypt in september 2014.

The post Eritrean President Afworki and Egypt’s El-Sisi met in Cairo appeared first on The Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio (ESAT).



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