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Daesh executes over a dozen Ethiopian Christians in Libya

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ESAT News (May 11, 2016)

The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has released a new horrifying video purportedly showing the gruesome execution of at least 16 Ethiopian Christians in Libya, according to a report by Press TV.

The 29-minute video, released on Wednesday, was composed of scenes from two different locations, one shot under some trees and the other one along a nearby seashore. In both locations, masked terrorists made the separated groups of victims kneel in front of them.

In a statement read by one of the Takfiris, the victims, dressed in orange and black, were described as “followers of the cross from the enemy Ethiopian Church,” who neither pay a compulsory religious tax nor convert to what terrorists call Islam.

Then, they executed those under trees by shooting in the back of their heads and decapitated the second group on the beach.

This is not the first time Daesh committed such grisly crimes against Ethiopian Christians in Libya on similar grounds. Back in April, another video released by Daesh showed terrorists carrying out two separate executions of some 30 Ethiopians through shooting and beheading.libya ececution2

The terror group has so far forced hundreds of thousands of Christians to flee from their homes in Iraq, Libya, and Syria.

Libya, where the military alliance of NATO helped overthrow longtime dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, has been experiencing a power vacuum and is considered by many to have withered into a failed state. Daesh, which is mainly active in Syria and Iraq, has seized upon the chaos to fan out through Libya and seize control of its northern city of Sirte. (Press TV)

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