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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Ethiopia: Lucy Insurance Earned 13.3 Million Birr

Lucy Insurance S.C., one of Ethiopia’s private insurance companies, has registered a net profit of 13.3 million Birr. The insurance company’s performance shows a 57 percent increase but earning per shares have declined to 166 Birr from 247 Birr when compared to 2014/2015 fiscal year.



Ethiopian banks and financial institutions are currently reporting their earnings to shareholders. In the midst of increasing expenses and diminished earnings, their profits have shrunk. In the pursuit of much needed profits by banks, microfinance loans – a fixture for Ethiopia’s rural agriculturalists and micro-entrepreneurs – are beginning to be identified as a way to improve the performance of some private banks.


Ethiopia: Awash Insurance Made 91 Million Birr Profit

Awash Insurance Company (AIC) disclosed it has made a net profit of 91 million Birr during 2015/2016 fiscal year. The profit made by AIC, which is among the biggest insurers in Ethiopia, shows a 41 percent increase in net profits when compared to the 2014/2015 fiscal year.


Turkish Company to Acquire 75 % of Sugar Project in Ethiopia

Bedisa Group, a Turkish giant established half a century ago, is negotiating to acquire 75 percent of a sugar project in Ethiopia at an outlay of a little over 1 billion USD. The sugar project is Beles Sugar Project, which is found in Amhara State.


I Pray That Trump Wins

I would like to respond to your feature entitled: “Clinton-Trump Mud Fight Frazzles Ethiopian-Americans [Volume 17 No. 861].” I saw the social media posts of young Ethiopian American men and women who were saying that they would move back to Ethiopia if Donald trump was elected.

I pray that Trump wins, not for ideological or political reasons, but so that all my Ethiopian brothers and sisters who have pledged to return to our mother land when he is elected. I hope that they return anyway, but the election of Trump seems to be a good occasion to let them know that we are prepared and happy to receive them. Our country has a long and rich history that unfortunately includes the spreading out of our brothers and sisters to all corners of the world. As we all know, there’s no place like home. Our loved ones who were forced to leave the country during and after the horrors of the Dergue regime are still sorely missed. They and their children are always welcome back in their homeland.

Just as the story in the holy Bible about welcoming the prodigal son, Ethiopia will more than welcome you to contribute whatever your abilities are.

We look forward to having you home again, no matter when you decide to come back.

Vartkes Bilemdjian


My Fury over Internet Shutdown

Dear editors,

I would like to share my current state of fury hoping the cry of my soul is heard. I also hope to find a compassionate ear among our leaders who should be sensitive to the principles of “causes and consequences” and who would agree with my views.

Shutting down Internet connection can never be an efficient problem solving approach. On the contrary, it has adverse and much more detrimental effect not only on the daily business of each engaged individual but also on the economy of the country. This method is likely to give the impression – wrongly or rightly – as a weakness, thus a negative impact on the image of our leaders and decision makers. Last time, the justifications provided to the public i.e. a preventive measure against irregularities and diversions during the high school entry exam is irrelevant. Ethiopia, like any other country, should be able to put in place a reliable control and accountability mechanisms to prevent possible frauds on exams. A student is also expected to be mature, conscious, and result oriented to focus on studies, especially during trying period of exams. Allocating time and space for relaxation – even face-booking and Twitting – should be tolerated. The students deserve rather to be taught about time management and to be treated like responsible adults.

Retention of information is another source of frustration and an incitation to look for information anywhere else possible thus encouraging the dissemination of rumors, propagandas or other misinformation. Local medias (public and private) would rather gain through timely broadcasting and competitive approaches by being the first to release information verified and supported with evidence. As F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “Either you think – or else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you”.

At the same time, failing to hear and to properly address the preoccupations and concerns of the people will result with a tragic socio-political and economic unrest. In this respect, my experiences in West Africa (25 years) and in North Africa (12 years) is still vivid. It takes few seconds to lit fire and much more time to extinguish and to repair damages. In the name of good governance, democratically elected government has the duty to listen and to serve its people for better investment returns and productivity. Good governance is fundamental for meeting transformational targets and for guaranteeing perennial economic development – growth, wealth, peace, and security for our country.

Lastly but not the least, if only every compatriot could be more mindful, circumspect, alert and could seriously observe the principle of “causes and consequences” there will be less irresponsibility’s and tragedies around us. Shame on those who cowardly “hijacked” a thanksgiving event into an opportunity to serve political interests and provoked the loss of so many innocent victims. May their souls rest in peace!


A retired international civil servant


Obituary: Hailu Shawel(Eng.), A Break From All Walks of Life

Our subscribers to the print edition are entitled to get a bonus in a form of early access to our digital edition.Use the bank detail below or call our office at +251-011-416-3020 to subscribe – only 457.60 Br for 52 editions – and enjoy access to beginning on SUNDAYS as early as 6:00am! […]

Production Rather Than Blame Game

Our subscribers to the print edition are entitled to get a bonus in a form of early access to our digital edition.Use the bank detail below or call our office at +251-011-416-3020 to subscribe – only 457.60 Br for 52 editions – and enjoy access to beginning on SUNDAYS as early as 6:00am! […]

We’re Better off with the Steel Manufacturers

Our subscribers to the print edition are entitled to get a bonus in a form of early access to our digital edition.Use the bank detail below or call our office at +251-011-416-3020 to subscribe – only 457.60 Br for 52 editions – and enjoy access to beginning on SUNDAYS as early as 6:00am! […]

Ethiopia: Tigray Expects 28 Million Quintals of Crop

Agriculture and Rural Development Bureau of Tigray State, one of the 9 federal division of Ethiopia, forecasted 28 million quintals of crop will be harvested from this season.



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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.