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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Ethiopia-Qatar Trade, Investment Forum to be Held Today


The Ethiopia-Qatar trade and investment forum will be held virtually today, March 29, 2021. The forum, which will commence at 4:00 PM Ethiopian time, aims to enhance multifaceted ties between Ethiopia and Qatar. The forum is organized by Ethiopian Embassy in Doha, in collaboration with KON W.L.L.


Ethiopia: New Edible Oil Plant Starts Trial Production


A new edible oil plant at Ethiopia’s town of Debre Markos has started trial production. The plant, built at a cost of five billion birr (close to $121.7 million), hopes to ease the rise in demand for edible oil in Ethiopia.


Coronavirus – Ethiopia: COVID-19 update (27 March 2021)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, March 28, 2021/APO Group/ –Daily: Laboratory test: 8,665 Severe cases: 780 New recovered: 728 New deaths: 15 New cases: 2,142 Total: Laboratory test: 2,325,485 Active cases: 42,772 Total recovered: 153,236 Total deaths: 2,784 Total cases: 198,794 Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Health, Ethiopia. […]

Five reasons why America needs to pay its peacekeeping bill

BY HARDIN LANG AND VICTORIA K. HOLT The Hills Since taking office, President Biden has prioritized the return of the United States to the world stage and strengthening alliances. Confirming the president’s newly minted U.N. Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, was a critical first step to show that America is indeed back at the table. But now the hard work at the United Nations begins and the first priority needs to be paying our $1.1 billion in overdue bills to the U.N. That money is owed to other nations, mainly for peacekeeping missions that America supports. In fact, in 2014, then Vice President Biden chaired the inaugural U.N. Peacekeeping […]

Hiber Radio News Mar 27,2021

Hiber Radio News Mar 27,2021 […]

The sun is rising over Ethiopia. Yilma Bekele

Yilma Bekele March 28, 2021 They say the darkest hour is before dawn. Ethiopia’s dark hour lasted over half a century. The sun is rising over good old Ethiopia. It is a sight to behold. Nation building is not an easy task but we have done it before. We have stayed intact for thousands of years. This one feels like we’re determined to get it right. We keep the recipe in a locked box. We have cooked delicious plates many times before. What happened is we sort of misplaced the little book and tried to include other ingredients and […]

The Perilous Race between Rescuing and Crashing a “Son of a Bitch”

The Queen of Sheba March 27, 2021 On that infamous night of November 3, 2020, the treasonous TPLF cabal forces heinously and cowardly attacked the Ethiopian Federal Army base of the Northern Command—while in their sleep. As they attacked 200 sites and bases—in a very coordinated manner at once—they massacred thousands in a barbaric way—slitting throats, slashing guts, and cutting off breasts of women soldiers. In an attempt to decimate the surrendered soldiers en masse, they chased them with heavy trucks, mowing them with well-placed machine guns as they run for their lives. When the fortunes of treason catastrophically collapsed […]

“Border demarcation not our responsibility,” Electoral Board tells Somali Region

By Siyanne Mekonnen The National Electoral Board (NEBE) issued a letter in response to the letter sent to the board by the Somali regional state regarding the board’s decision to call off polling stations in eight kebeles. The Somali regional state requested the board to reverse the decision and said that it would find it hard to partake in the upcoming election. The board described its reason for the decision as “a responsibility to maintain peace and ensure the rights of people who live in the disputed areas to vote at nearby polling stations.” The Somali regional administration expressed its […]

Abiy Ahmed’s Vilification of Amhara & Amhara Regional Force

Mesfin Arega March 26, 2021 “Amhara nationalism is dangerous for Ethiopia” (Abiy Ahmed) ”Failed coup in #Ethiopia’s Amhara state was an attempt by ethnic nationalists to restore Amhara hegemony over all of Ethiopia that existed for several centuries prior to 1991. That dream is now permanently dead.” (Herman Cohen) “The numerous tribes who inhabit the Ethiopian state are being forcibly kept from European colonialism by Abyssinian rulers whose aim is to act as champions of all black people so as to attack and destroy Western culture“ (Roman Prochaska, Abyssinia: The Powder Barrel, Vienna, 1935) Ever since he became prime minister […]

Ethiopia's Parliament Approves Revision to 60+ Years Old Commercial Code


Ethiopia’s parliament, the House of People’s Representatives, has unanimously voted to approve the Commercial Code of Ethiopia. The Code will revise the one that has been in place for the past 61 years, since 1960.



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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.